Monday, September 1, 2014

Hey y'all,
We had a pretty interesting week this past week. Yesterday we knocked on a door, and the woman who answered immediately asked Mormons? I responded Yes! She responded with "I am Baptist, Christian, I believe in the Trinity, and Jesus Christ IS God." She then closed the door. Sister Tu'ifua and I walked away not really knowing how to respond....

The area here seems to be at a stand still. Either we aren't able to find any one interested in our message. Or when we do find a lot of new investigators they seem to drop within a couple of days. It's very puzzling to me how this works... However, things are going really well with Sister Holley. We taught her about the Restoration this week, and she said that she has been reading the Book of Mormon. I felt that the lesson we had with her was the best one we have taught thus far. When Sister Tu'ifua invited her to Baptism she said yeah but then began to cry. She doesn't understand fully why she needs to be Baptized again. So when we see her this week we are going to focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Especially on RECEIVING the Gift of the Holy Ghost.

We had a great lesson with Tiffany Newson this week. She actually prayed! She actually wasn't going to end us with the prayer. But Sister Tu'ifua mentioned that she promised us last time that she would. She said, "oh", and then prayed. I was really ecstatic that she actually prayed this time. Since we have been trying to get her to do this several times.

Yesterday was an interesting day.  We found out that two of our ward members passed away. We have been working with one of them; Brother Holliman. What was heart breaking to me is that we weren't able to see him this past week like we had hoped. We tried and tried for rides to get out there. But it just didn't workout. The good news is that the family was very grateful for the visits we have been able to make out there.

This morning I studied D&C 4. I really focused on dissecting it, and reading additional scripture to help me really understand the doctrine behind this section. What stood out to me as I studied was "layeth up in store." As I studied what this sentence means it occurred to me that as we put the armor on God on, live the gospel, and keep Christ as our foundation. We will be prepared and ready for when the "bridegroom comes". We will have oil in our lamps, and will be prepared to meet God.
My prayer is that we continue to fill our lamps with oil. That we continue to pray, and study the scriptures along with attending church. So that we will learn what we must do in order to be prepared to meet God. May we not procrastinate becoming better and more Christ-like.

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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