Monday, September 29, 2014

Hey y'all!

We had a lot of exciting things happen this week. We set 3 Baptismal Dates!!!! We set the date of October 18th with Rosie and Kee. We also set a date of October 25th with Tammie. Unfortunately, none of them were able to come to church yesterday. So we are going to work hard this week. So that we can get them to attend at least one session of General Conference this weekend. Tammie was a tender mercy of the Lord this week. Sister Hughes; one of the members in the ward referred us to Tammie as recent move ins. Sister Hughes is already doing a great job of fellowshipping Tammie and her daughters Aaliyah (age 6) and Kanijha (age 9). In that she offered to bring them to church yesterday. I was disappointed when they didn't show up yesterday. Since they committed solidly to attending during our lesson with them Saturday afternoon. The hard thing about this week was that we weren't able to see Kassandra or Sister Holley. Both of whom are some of our top investigators right now. I just don't understand why we are having trouble getting in with our top investigators...

Sister Tu'ifua and I are doing great. We both are continuing to work on EXACT obedience. We are working on getting rid of ANYTHING that keeps us from being 100% obedient. I know that as we continue to do so power will come into our teaching.

We were finally able to get back in with Joan Rose this week. After Sister Tu'ifua read Alma 34:32 with her she asked about the Book of Mormon. We then introduced and explained the Book of Mormon. Her next question was how we respond to Revelations 22:18 "do not add to or take away". So I explained that it makes the same reference in Deuteronomy. It seemed to make sense to her. After explaining that she asked where one can get a copy of the Book of Mormon. So I handed a copy to her, and explained that it is free. In her prayer before we left she asked Heavenly Father to keep her mind opened. I am excited for her to read the Book of Mormon, and to come to know the truth of it for herself! :)

I absolutely loved President Uchtdorf's talk from the General Women's Meeting. I especially loved the analogy of the Umbrella. How God is showering us with blessings constantly. But because of our disbelief, sins, and disobedience we shield them from us. Just as an Umbrella shields us from the rain. How profound that was to me! We literally keep ourselves from being blessed consistently. I also loved his talk because it really put the atonement into perspective for me. It reaffirmed to me that Heavenly Father loves us no matter what. He loves us when we do good and when we sin. He has an all perfect, consistent love.
This week Elder Zwick of the Seventy came. Here are some highlights I took away. He shared how missionary work is ACTIVE not passive. He stated that it's not enough to be a good example. We need to invite, Invite, INVITE!! He invited all ward and stake council members to  have someone take the discussions in their home by the end of the transfer (3.5 weeks). Bishop Chisolm has taken on the challenge, and yesterday in PEC invited the ward council members to do the same. I am excited to see what the outcome is!!!
My invitation to y'all is to do the same. Prayerfully ask Heavenly Father to put someone in your path that needs the gospel in their lives. I know that as you do he will provide the way. I also pray that everyone pays attention to General Conference and goes in with questions. The Lord will answer, and we will grow spiritually!

Have a great week!

I love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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