Monday, September 8, 2014

Hey y'all!
I hope everyone has had a great week! We had a pretty good week here. Things picked up quite a bit from last week! :)

Things seem to be coming along here slowly but surely. Our lesson with Sister Holley this week went both good, and bad. We did the cup-demo with her since she had a lot of confusion regarding the Restoration. Especially, fully understanding the Apostasy. When I asked her what the significance was of Joseph receiving the priesthood. She answered with, "otherwise it would be like any other church." I was thrilled with this answer since it helped us to know that she understands the priesthood. The lesson went poorly in that she was quite confused with the doctrine regarding Pre-Earth Life, and Gospel taught to the Dead. We tried sharing Bible verses with her. But none really seemed to help. So this week we are going to clear up any confusion she has.

We seem to be making some real progress with Sister Hodges. We took Sister Shields to see the Hodges this week, and our visit went really well. We shared "Come Join with Us" by Dieter F. Uchtdorf, and Sister Hodges really enjoyed the talk. Towards the end of our visit she said that "we have renewed her Faith in the church." Unfortunately, she had to go back up to South Haven yesterday to babysit grandkids so she didn't attend church. We are praying that she is able to come this week though!

Sister Tu'ifua and I have been working on talking WITH everyone this week. It seems to be going pretty well. Of course we aren't perfect at it. But we are striving to do our best. As a result, we were able to find 8 New Investigators this week. I know that as we continue to do this we will find people to teach.

We had an interesting experience with Brother Hodges this week. He told us that if we could solve his "unsolvable riddle" that he would come to church. Now, as he explained the riddle to us I didn't follow all hope was lost with me solving it. But then during our visit with Sister Hodges. The answer dawned on Sister Shields. (Later, in the car Sister Shields told us that the Spirit brought the answer to her mind.) She told Brother Hodges the answer, and explained it. He did all he could to say that she was wrong. Sister Shields just walked away saying that she would see him in church! :)

This morning in studies I had a "light bulb" moment concerning 2 Corinthians 13:1. In this verse God is telling us that the Book of Mormon is his THIRD witness. The Old Testament was his first. The New Testament was his second, and now the Book of Mormon is his third. Along with this I read 2 Nephi 29:12, and couldn't help but wonder-Where the other records are? I love how the scriptures demonstrate to us the love that God has for us. They testify that God and Christ love ALL the children of God. Christ didn't just show himself to some of God's children. He showed himself to ALL of God's children, and had them record it.

My prayer is that we all continue to feast upon ALL of God's words. We will be accountable for knowing the gospel in it's fullness as contained in the scriptures. I know that as y'all study prayerfully and with real intent God will reveal things to you.
Sister W. Williams

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