Monday, September 22, 2014

Hey y'all!
Hope everything is going well. This week was full of up's and down's but overall it was a pretty good week. We were able to see Sister Hodges, and as always we arrived at the perfect time. Every Friday during weekly planning the Spirit guides us to perfect date, and time that we need to go see her. It's always a testimony to me of how diligent, spirit led planning pays off. Unfortunately, she had to go back out of town this weekend so she couldn't attend Stake Conference. But we ended up getting a solid commitment of bringing her grandkids to scouts this Wednesday. Along with getting a pretty solid commitment for church next Sunday. During our visit she said, "You just need to live here with me. I will build another wing." I am glad to know that our visits always uplift her.

We had a really great lesson with Sister Holley this week. During our District Meeting earlier that morning we asked for suggestions on how we might be able to help Sister Holley. Since we have been struggling with knowing exactly what she is in need of. Elder Despain suggested to just simply read a chapter from the Book of Mormon with her. I am glad that we followed that counsel because it seemed to help her out. She has had a lot of confusion with starting to read the Book of Mormon. Just because of all the different names of the prophets. We still can't seem to help her to understand the background of the B.O.M. which is pretty frustrating. Anyways, we ended up reading 3 Nephi 11 with her, stopping to discuss every 2 verses. We decided to use this chapter since it is something a little more familiar with her Bible background. The spirit was very strong during our lesson. I pray that when we go back this week her understanding has increased from the B.O.M.

I felt strongly impressed to do a whole Book of Mormon lesson with Kassandra this week. What was neat is that it was exactly what she needed. We started the lesson off by following up on her B.O.M. reading. She mentioned that she was only able to read through the Introduction. We asked what stood out, and if she had any questions. The questions she asked led perfectly into what we were going to teach her. We had role-played for her lesson that morning which I was glad for. As a result of effective planning and preparation we were able to have a really effective, spirit filled lesson with her! :)

I absolutely loved Stake Conference this weekend. I especially loved what was shared by President Griffin; the Memphis, Tennessee Temple President. President Griffin gave an analogy in regards to the Temple, and a Bishop's office in a church building. He stated that, "The Temple is Heavenly Father's office. Just like a Bishops office is for the Bishop. It is where God can come, and communicate with us personally." No one else hears our conversation, and we feel safe and comfortable.
  Some questions to ask ourselves is. How often to I attend the temple? Do I attend prepared to be taught by the Spirit? I know that as we become a regular temple attending people. The Lord will bless us, and that we will have greater spiritual power against the enemy. Also, as we go prepared to receive guidance from the Spirit we will become spiritually nourished as we attend the Lord's house.

In my scripture reading I have reflected on the saying, "be slow to anger". I don't know about y'all. But I feel that I have a slight problem with that. So this week I am going to be praying, and working hard to make this weakness a strength! :)

Love y'all!
Sister W. Williams

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