Monday, September 15, 2014

Hey y'all!
This week was a really great week! We have 3 Progressing Investigators which is the most I have ever had. So that was a big blessing and miracle this week. Two of them are Rosie and Kee Johnson. We took Sister Hathaway with us to our lesson, and she was a huge benefit for us. When we invited them to church this Sunday. Rosie said that they would have to wait till October. Since she is going out of town this week, and is a Sunday school teacher at her church. By the end of the lesson she prayed that she would be able to find someone to substitute teach for her. On Saturday we got a text from Sister Hathaway saying that Rosie texted, and asked her to save her and Kee seats at church. What was neat is that Sister Hathaway said that in the Temple she prayed for them, and after attending the temple she saw this text!

Sister Holley is progressing pretty good. We taught her the Plan of Salvation, and she seemed to really understand all the principles we talked about. I invited her to Baptism during our lesson, and she said Yes. I then invited her with the date of September 27th. Her response was that she would try. When I invited her at the end of the lesson to offer a prayer asking if this date is right for her. She said that she wasn't ready to pray about it. I came out of the lesson saddened since the date made her feel overwhelmed. But I also came out knowing that I did what the spirit directed me to do. I also knew that I did the best that I could to help her feel the spirit as I extend the Baptismal invitation to her.

This past week I felt strongly prompted to knock on a certain door. I wasn't quite sure about it because it looked pretty dark. But I knew that the Spirit had led us there so we knocked. Kristen came to the door, and allowed us to talk to her for a few minutes. Even though her and her family are moving to Indiana it wasn't a wasted visit. I left her with a Temple pass-along card which got her talking about Utah. She mentioned that her husband would really like to move there. But he wasn't sure if he could get a job not being "Mormon". We clarified that, and said that lots of non-members have really good jobs out in Utah. She was glad to hear that, and said that she would definitely tell her husband that. She also mentioned that she grew up in Illinois pretty near Nauvoo. All I can say is that the Lord really wants her and her family in his fold.

This morning in studies I was touched again by Pahoran's response to Moroni in Alma 61:9. It reminded me of Elder Zwick's talk "What Are You Thinking?" from last General Conference. From reading both of these we come to understand the importance of "putting ourselves in the other person's shoes." I love how Pahoran doesn't get mad at Moroni's false accusation of him. Instead, he forgives him and explains what is really going on. He explains why he hasn't been able to help. I love this because it reminds me that before I respond. I need to strive to understand why people respond in the way they do. So this week I am going to be working on looking at things from other's perspectives.

I hope that each and everyone of us can look at every situation with others points of view. I know that as we strive to do this each, and everyday it will only get easier to do so. I know that as we do this a lot of confusion and contention will be eliminated from our lives. Love y'all and hope everyone has an AMAZING week!!! :)


Sister W. Williams

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