Monday, October 6, 2014

Hey y'all!

I hope everyone was able to enjoy General Conference this past weekend. I sure did. I learned a lot, and am excited to be able to apply the principles I learned into my life. 

This week was pretty rough. We had to drop all 3 of our Baptismal dates because we weren't able to see Rosie, Kee, or Tammie. Also, we weren't able to get in with any of our previously progressing investigators. It's sad because we haven't been able to see Sister Holley for the past two weeks. She was progressing quite well, and we were working on really helping her to understand the Book of Mormon. I am praying that we are able to get in with her this week...But we can only do as much as she allows us to do. Also, we were unable to see Rosie and Kee due to Rosie's mom being in the hospital. This was rough since our Restoration lesson two weeks ago was very powerful, and we are now going to have to push back their Baptismal dates. 

On the Brightside we were able to find Betty Ritchie, and get her started with reading the Book of Mormon. Betty was found by Sister Hathaway doing her Visiting Teaching. Sister Hathaway called us on Monday, and informed us that Betty; (the mother of the sister she visits) is interested in learning more about the gospel. So Monday night we drove to the Vincent's house, and introduced the B.O.M. to Betty. We had a great lesson with her even though it was difficult to communicate. Betty is very hard of hearing and has to read lips. Luckily, she can read Sister Tu'ifua pretty good! :) Me on the other hand...she can't read no matter how hard I try...;) 

I absolutely loved General Conference this weekend. I experienced a very powerful, spiritual experience yesterday, during the Sunday Afternoon session. I went into this Conference with 3 questions specifically written down on an index card. By the last Conference session 2 out of the 3 questions had been answered. So I went into the Sunday Afternoon Session with a prayer in my heart, and faith knowing that God would answer. The question that I had written down was "How can I come to fulfill my patriarchal blessing." Not only was this question answered, but it was answered boldly and clearly. The answer came from the talk by Elder Carlos A. Godoy he said that we all must ask ourselves the following question. "Am I LIVING the way that allows me to fulfill my patriarchal blessing?" I am so grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who knows the desires of our hearts. He is willing to answer us if we just ask. 

Most of my learning from this past week occurred during General Conference. I was struck by the talk that Elder Richard G. Scott gave. I loved how he spoke of 4 tools that need to become habits in our lives. He spoke of Prayer, Scripture Study, Weekly Family Home Evening, and Attending the Temple. He said that as these 4 tools become habits "Satan's attacks will increase, but our Spiritual protection will as well." I absolutely love this principle. These are simple habits that will keep us on the path to Eternal Life. 

My prayer is that we all take what we learned from this Conference and apply it. That we truly strive to be better Disciples of Christ. As we heed the prophets and apostles words we will not fail. We will continue on the path that leads to the "tree of life."

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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