Monday, October 20, 2014

Hey y'all, 

This week was another great week of Miracles. This area is truly exploding right now, and it is very exciting to be a part of it. Our visit with Jared Gant on Monday night was incredible. It went better than I would have ever expected. We followed up on his reading of Alma 18. He said that he couldn't remember what we invited him to read so he had read Alma 17 instead. We gave him the Restoration lesson, and his comprehension was amazing. During the lesson he said, "So the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is Christ's restored church?" It was incredible to me how he made this connection on his own. Between Monday and Wednesday he had read the first 5 chapters of 1 Nephi. He was sick on Wednesday so we were unable to see him for our appointment that morning. I am looking forward to seeing him this week, and continuing to help him progress in this gospel. 

We were able to see Rosie and Kee this week. It wasn't the best lesson we have ever started off terrible. But we were able to save it luckily....I am not really sure what exactly happened. Kee during the lesson asked us if you can get out of Spiritual Death. We explained that it's by living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, praying, scripture study, and church attendance that one is saved by this death. At the end of the lesson we found out that the reason that she asked us this. Was because she feels like she hasn't been getting an answer if the Book of Mormon is true. She said that she has been praying and reading but doesn't feel like God has answered. She felt that the reason for "no answer" was that she was in Spiritual Death. I responded by asking her how she feels when she prays and reads. She responded by saying that she feels "good". I then turned to Galatians 5:22-23 and went through the fruits of the spirit. I am praying that this week she was able to recognize the spirit as she prayed and read.

Sister Holm came to church yesterday, and loved it. She told Sister Shields- the member that took her to and from church that she wants to start coming regularly. It was so great to have Sister Holm at church. Since the sister missionaries here have been working with her for about 9 months. Also, since she has been inactive for years. She said that she really enjoyed Relief Society. Last night as we visited with her you could see the spirit illuminating from her. It was neat to see how church truly lifted her spirit, and allowed the Light of Christ to illuminate from her more fully. 

I was really struck in my studies by Alma 5:7. The key phrase in this verse to me is, "...their souls were illuminated by the light of the everlasting word;..." I just love this phrase!! To me it means that as we study the scriptures our souls will be filled with light. We will be delivered from our darkest hours, and we will find great happiness as we go through this life. 

I loved how in Specialized Training this week we talked about letting others see how happy we are. As we have been blessed with this gospel of good news. Really helping others to see the joy that comes from living, and having this gospel in our lives. My goal for this week is to bear this good news with enthusiasm, and happiness. So that others will WANT this in their lives.

My prayer is that all of us share this gospel of good news with happiness of heart. That we share the Book of Mormon with all those that we Love. Since we understand the spiritual power, and protection that can come into ones life from studying God's word.

I KNOW that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. Consistent study of it has brought more happiness in my life than I could have ever imagined was possible. It is only through reading it everyday though that my testimony has been strengthened. I know that great happiness awaits all of God's children. Who study the Book of Mormon on a daily basis. 

Have a great week! 

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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