Monday, December 1, 2014

Hey y'all,
I hope and pray that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Let us use this season of giving as a reminder of being more Christ-like. Afterall, As "we are in the service of our fellow beings, we are only in the service of our God." (Mosiah 2:17). We had a pretty great week this week.
Michael Carter is doing extremely well. We had a great lesson with him on Friday evening. We taught the Restoration, and he was able to really comprehend the Priesthood. As we concluded our lesson with him. He said that he now really understands the importance of the Book of Mormon. He loves how he now understands how it connects with the Bible. He committed to praying, and working towards Baptism on December 13th!! :) My prayer is that we are able to meet with him enough times so that he can get all the lessons in time.

This morning we received a sad text from Sister Holley. She cancelled our appointment with her for this Wednesday. In fact, she said that we will resume our lessons at the beginning of the new year. This absolutely broke my heart. I was saddened that she is inhibiting her progression right now. But I can keep my head high in knowing that I have tried my best to help her to progress.

Rea Sanders (less-active) is really doing well. We are struggling with getting her to come to church on Sundays. But she really wants to get her life in order. She is working on being fully Repentant. She mentioned to us the other day that she, and DJ are thinking about getting married within the next 2 weeks! Word of Wisdom is also an issue. But we are just trying to help her overcome one thing at a time. I love how she is really trying to make positive changes in her life. She seems to have a great desire in getting back right with God.

Sister Goodwine, and I are continuing to work on member trust. Since the key to finding now is going to really be member referrals. Since, I have knocked most of the doors in Senatobia now... Please pray that we find new people to teach!! ;)

We had another great visit with Sister Hodges this week. I was happy when she mentioned that her son; Jeffrey asked her when she will be coming back to church. Even though she wouldn't commit to coming to church this past Sunday. We are continuing to make great strides in getting her back to church. I am praying that we find out what her deep concern is for coming back this week.

I love this quote from President Uchtdorf's talk, "Living the Gospel Joyful" from this past Women's Conference. "being a daughter of eternal parents is not a distinction you earned or you will ever lose." I absolutely love this quote. It helps me to truly realize the diving worth and potential we have as children of God. His love is eternal and infinite. Our duty is to look and pray to him so that we can reach what he knows we can become.
May we all become who God wants and needs us to come. I know that we all will be able to reach our divine potential as we seek God's guidance in all things. Also, as we grow and develop on all Christ-like attributes.

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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