Monday, December 8, 2014

Hey y'all, 

This week has been very interesting. Our teaching pool has dropped while trust with members has increased. Sister Hodges is really coming along. Each week we visit her we make more, and more progress with her coming back to church. This week we taught her about C.P.R and the importance of it. (Church, Pray, Read) It made my heart happy when I asked what got her back into reading the Book of Mormon. That she said that the assignments we gave her week after week got her back reading.:) I am looking forward to day that she comes back to church. Since I know how much she will benefit from it.

It thrilled me yesterday when Jarrod came to church!! He has missed the past two weeks, and we could definitely tell a difference in him. I could tell that he was struggling spiritually because of all the trials he has been experiencing. Church attendance, and reading the Book of Mormon is what he needed! I loved how much happier he seemed yesterday at church. :) 

Sister Goodwine, and I are seeing amazing progress with gaining trust of members. Each week we visit several different families to leave spiritual thoughts. Even though we haven't received any referrals from it. The members are wanting us in their homes more resulting in more dinner appointments. :) 

We had a great visit with Patricia Carter this week. It was an interesting visit in that she mentioned to us that Taylor; her 8 year old wants to be Baptized. So not only are we going to be working with her husband Michael. But we are going to start working with Taylor as well. It's so neat to see how much this gospel can bless this family! 

This morning in studies I started out by focusing on God's love. That lead me into studying about trials and afflictions. The reason why God's love lead to studying about trials. Is that God shows us how much he loves us by letting us experience hard things. During my studies I read "The Currant Bush" By Elder Hugh B. Brown of the Council Of The Twelve. He says, "I just want you to know that if you don't get what you think you ought to get, remember, 'God is the gardener here. He knows what he wants you to be.' Submit yourselves to his will. Be worthy of his blessings, and you will get his blessings." I love this quote since it's a good reminder that we can only reach our divine potential through trials. They are the only things that can shape is into ETERNAL beings.

I would invite each of you to read "The Currant Bush". It will change your life completely. It will help you to realize how blessed we are that God "loves us enough to cut us down." May y'all realize the Hard Things that you can do. Anything is possible with God.

Love y'all!!

Sister W. Williams

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