Monday, December 29, 2014

Hey y'all,

I hope everyone had a MERRY CHRISTMAS. I sure had a good time here. We had a very busy couple of days, and were able to make contact with quite a few Less-Actives.

Things are going pretty great here in Senatobia. DJ and Rea are getting married tomorrow. I am so excited for them!! I love how the gospel is truly changing their family. The spirit is in their home. Whereas before it wasn't really present. They both are making their lives right with God. I love seeing the transformation in their appearance as they become more Christ-like. We are just praying that DJ is able to get work off this Sunday. We were pretty disappointed when Sister Hodges didn't show up to church yesterday. On Tuesday she made multiple references to us of coming at 9. I am praying that we can get to her deep concern. I know how much she needs church. I really want her to make the first, and hardest move. To just come, and walk in the church building. I know that when she does this she will get back to weekly attendance in no time.

On Saturday we had a neat experience with a recent convert; Ramona Breazele. After visiting Brother Wolfe with her she took us out to dinner. What we didn't know is that she was going to use her Christmas money on us for the dinner. As she got to the counter to pay the cashier said that it had already been paid. Ramona, and us were confused. Ramona kept handing the cash over when finally the waiter mentioned that the people behind us had paid the bill. Now, what had happened is that a member, and her non-member husband paid the bill. It was a great example to me of how I can do random acts of service.

Today in studies I received a lot of revelation on how I can be more Christ-like. I studied a talk titled "The Merciful Obtain Mercy" by President Uchtdorf. This was a great talk for me to read since one of my New Years resolutions is to become "really, really, good at forgiving." This talk allowed me to see how I can stick to, and accomplish this resolution. Two things that really stuck out to me in this talk were that "we must not cast stones". Also, "the moment we judge someone else, we condemn ourselves..." (Quote from the Apostle Paul). I liked these quotes because it made me realize that I need to only focus on the positives and strengths of others. I need to forgive others of everything so that I can be made spotless. My goal this week is to only focus on the positive.

My invitation to everyone is make New Years Resolutions that you can keep. Set spiritual goals that will allow you to become more like Christ. May we forget and forgive so that we can obtain mercy, and forgiveness ourselves. I know the Savior lives, and loves us. He is the reason for the season.


Sister W. Williams

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