Monday, November 24, 2014

Hey y'all,

Things seemed to be a little slow this week. Sister Goodwine, and I were excited about yesterday. Since Andrea Sanders was supposed to come to church. But she didn't show up. I was sad because I know how much coming to church regularly will bless her life. I am praying that she comes this Sunday, and feels the Spirit in great abundance. So that she will have an increased desire to come to church each and every week. Our lesson with Sister Holley went really well. She realizes now that she can't progress until she is Baptized. She agreed to work towards Baptism for January 6th. Sister Goodwine and I believe that more member support, and friendship will help her to work towards this goal. So we are working on having sisters in Relief Society sit by her each week.
This week we experienced quite a few miracles. We were able to get back into contact with both Tiffany Newson, and Michael Carter. I am grateful that Sister Goodwine followed the promptings she received by the spirit. So that we could get back into contact with these elect individuals.

This week I was reminded that GOD IS IN CHARGE. On Friday I felt strongly that we needed to try and go see Sister Hodges. Since we have been out of contact with her for over a month. But it seemed as though it wasn't going to happen. We texted over 5 sisters since our original ride had to cancel. No one seemed to have a positive response. Well, after our lesson with Sister Holley. Sister Denise Jones said that she was on her way to pick us up. This was exciting news! My immediate thought was that GOD needed us to see Sister Hodges that afternoon. Our visit was incredible, and the spirit was very strong. Without any of us knowing Sister Jones, and Sister Hodges have dealt with similar trials. This helped because a very strong friendship between the two women has developed. During the lesson I felt strongly prompted to ask Sister Hodges if she has received her patriarchal blessing yet. She said that she hasn't but that she has wanted one previously. I believe that this will help her to have the desire to come back to church. :)

This week I studied "Choose Wisely" by Elder Quentin L. Cook. Found in the Nov. 2014 General Conference issue of the Ensign. A couple of things stood out as I read this talk. The one that really hit me is; "Even worthwhile endeavors need evaluation in order to determine if they have become distractions from the best goals." This really hit me. It goes along with the principle of Good-Better-Best. It reminded me that I need to daily reflect on what the BEST decisions are. To keep an eternal vision, and to focus on the things that will help me to reach Eternal Life. I hope y'all have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! May we all have an attitude of gratitude, and keep it through the coming year. I am so grateful for each and everyone of you. Y'all have made a lasting impact on my life.

Sister W. Williams

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