Monday, November 3, 2014

Hey y'all!
I hope everyone had a great week. I sure did! We are continuing to see lots of miracles here in Senatobia! Jarrod Gant is rapidly progressing, and is still working towards his baptism date of November 15th. We fasted yesterday with him for strength to live the W.O.W. He is working really hard on it, and is doing a great job of cutting back on cigarettes. It's neat to see how this gospel is truly changing him. He is living the gospel, and as a result. The light of Christ shines brighter from his countenance than ever before. I just love how this gospel is a gospel of CHANGE.
 We were able to get back into contact with Rea Sanders this week. We had a great visit with her. As a result we are going to be teaching her fiancee; DJ tomorrow night. She has experienced a lot of difficult trials and challenges lately. So I know that strengthening her relationship with Christ will help her a lot right now. We re-committed her to read from the B.O.M everyday with DJ. Since she felt that that would really help both of them out. I know that as they both live the gospel, and embrace change that their family will be strengthened and blessed! 
Sister Goodwine, and I are doing really great.  We are teaching better in unity, and seem to be in good "harmony" teaching wise. We are really enjoying serving together!
Yesterday was a day of MIRACLES!! First off, Gary Newton (a friend of Sister Holm) just showed up to church. He actually walked to the church twice. Since he thought that church started an hour earlier than it did. I was very impressed by this desire he had to attend services. He really enjoyed church services, and really loved the Gospel Principles book. He has talked with members before. So I am excited to teach him, and his family tonight! What a tender mercy of the Lord this was! :)
Also, I noticed that Brother Don Wolfe was at church yesterday morning. Sister Tu'ifua and I had made first contact with him, and then had the Elders start working with him. Brother Wolfe mentioned that this was the 3rd Sunday he had been to church. But it was the first time he got up early enough for sacrament meeting. He mentioned that he knows that this is where he needs to be. He thanked me for being the first contacts for him with the church again. How great God is!! :)
This morning during my Book of Mormon study Alma 43:37 really stuck out to me. I likened it to having the armor of God on. As we put the armor of God on everyday through scripture study, prayer, obedience to the commandment, etc...We will be protected from the adversary and darts of the wicked. But when we "forget" or stop putting the armor on, we will be brought down. We will be turned away from God (personal apostasy) and will be brought to Spiritual Death. This was a good reminder to me of how important the armor of God truly is. 

May we all continuously put on the armor of God. For without it we will not be protected. We will be happy and joyful as we continue to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Love y'all!
Sister W. Williams

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