Friday, August 8, 2014

Hi y'all! 

 Everything with Hannah is continuing to go well. Her eyes are fixed on her Baptism this weekend. She told her parents and Grandma this week about her Baptism. Her parents aren't too supportive. But her Grandma is completely behind her. We just keep telling her to love her parents, and to lead by example. I have learned a lot from Hannah. The number one thing is that she completely wants to do God's will for her. She keeps telling us that all she desires is what God desires for her. What a great mind set to have!

 We had a great first lesson with Tawanna this week. She asked us a lot of questions. Which was neat because she really wants to understand everything. She accepted the Baptismal Invite of August 23rd. We were disappointed when she didn't show up at church yesterday. Since she had texted us the day before saying that she would hopefully be there. I am praying that this week we are able to get her to come to church. 

 Yesterday I felt strongly prompted to knock on the house next door to the church. We knocked 2 times, and heard the Television's volume turn down. So we walked away. But as we were walking down the street a man called us back. His name is Levar, and apparently his wife is a former investigator. We gave him the Restoration lesson. Since he talked about how in other churches he has noticed the "misconstrued" doctrine that has come up. He eagerly asked for a copy of the Book of Mormon. I am excited to teach him more this week. I can tell how prepared God has made him for our message. 

 We had another interesting thing happen to us yesterday. A policeman called us over, and started asking us questions. He didn't realize that sisters come out on missions just like the elders. At first it seemed as though we had found a new investigator. However, that thinking was changed when he told us all the things he knew regarding the church. What was sad to me is that even though he knows a lot. He doesn't know the truth. He knows about all of the "deep doctrines" of the Church. But a lot of the information is incorrect. I hope that at least he gained some reliable knowledge from us. 

 This week in studies I was enlightened upon the doctrine of Tithing. I studied Tithing in both the Gospel Principles manual, and Preach My Gospel. Since that was one of the lesson's we taught Hannah this week. As I studied I was rebuked by God. I came to the realization that I need to pay tithing not only on income. But on every increase of money I receive. I am glad that God gave me more knowledge regarding the commandment of Tithing. So that I can live this commandment fully. What a relief that came over me as I was able to pay what I owed yesterday. I know that the Lord will bless me as I desire to keep all of the commandments fully. 

 My prayer is that all of us live the commandments fully. That we really study the commandments, and learn how we can live them to the best of our ability. Have a great week. My prayers are with you!

 Love y'all!

 Sister W. Williams

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