Monday, August 11, 2014

Hi y'all!!

I hope y'all have had a great week. This week was quite the roller coaster. Full of lot's of ups and downs. But most importantly Hannah was Baptized!!!
Hannah's Baptism went AMAZING!! Her Mother and Grandmother ended up attending. There also was a large support from the Ward as well. In fact, some young men had to sit out in the hall because the room was so crowded. Hannah gave her testimony at the end of the program, and many hearts were touched because of it. The spirit was remarkable during the whole service, and everyone who came really enjoyed the service. I was able to play the Violin for interlude while she got dressed, and it was a remarkable experience for me. I could feel the spirit very strongly as I played. Other than Hannah's Baptism our week was pretty rough. We had some amazing experiences, and then ended up being dropped. It seems as though our investigators aren't wanting to keep commitments.

Sister Tu'ifua and I are currently trying to come up with new finding techniques. Specifically new door approaches. Spiritual Harvesting isn't working right now so we are going to the "drawing board". My prayer is that we are able to come up with something that will really work for this area.

Hannah told us some very exciting news this week. She is strongly considering going on a mission. What's remarkable to me is that she really wants to do the Lord's will in all things. She looks to the Lord in every thought, and fully rely's on him. What a remarkable example she has been to me of doing God's will.

This week in studies I have started to read Preach My Gospel from the beginning. As I have done this my knowledge has increased greatly. I feel that I am getting a better grasp of missionary work as a whole. My understanding is increasing of every phase of the work. I hope that as I continue to study PMG my missionary work will improve, and I will become the missionary God intends for me to be.
My prayer is that we increase in understanding and wisdom everyday. From our studying of the scriptures daily.

Have a great week!

Sister W. Williams

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