Monday, August 18, 2014

Hey y'all!
Hope everyone has had a great week. This week has been pretty good-very up and down though...;)
Things picked up a little bit this week. We were able to find quite a few people, and had some pretty amazing experiences. We came back into contact with Tawanna this week. She admitted to us that she has been avoiding us. She says that she doesn't want us to give up on her though. The problem is that temptations have a big hold on her right now. She is moving backward rather than forwards. We committed her to coming to church, and when I asked if we could text, call, or knock on her door. She said that we could be persistent and do all three. So we ended up texting, and knocking on her door yesterday. Unfortunately, she didn't respond to either of them.

Things with the Hodges are picking up. We had a great visit with them this week. Sister Hodges mentioned that they want to get the grandkids into scouting. We are hoping that this will create a desire in them to start coming to church on Sundays.

Yesterday we invited the Nelson family to re-take the discussions. I feel that there is a lot of potential with this family. They haven't seen missionaries in 17 years, and one of their sons isn't a member. I am looking forward to teaching them, and rekindling how they felt when they first joined the church! :)

Sister Tu'ifua and I are doing great. We are just working on serving the members and developing Charity. We feel that that is what needs to happen to increase the work here.

We had a very unique experience this week. We felt prompted to knock on a certain home. After knocking we realized that mosquitoes were all over the door. So we weren't sure what was going to happen. After a few minutes a woman came to the door, opened it up, and then immediately slammed it shut because of the mosquitoes. Sister Tu'ifua and I weren't sure what to do so we just stood....She then asked if we could come over to the garage. We then had a really great discussion with her. She was very open into reading the B.O.M. We gave her a Book of Mormon app pass along card, and explained that she could actually listen to the B.O.M. in the car. She responded by saying that she would plug it in, and listen to it through her stereo. She missed our return appointment though. We believe though that she is out of town.

I learned quite a bit from my studies this week. I have continued to study from Preach My Gospel. This morning I liked how it says that, "Reading, Pondering, and Studying the Book of Mormon are critical for an enduring conversion." This statement is very powerful to me. It's amazing how the word of God can do so much for us in our lives. Not only does the B.O.M. convert, gives us knowledge, and empower us. But it deepens our conversion and continuously brings us closer to Christ.

Have a great week!
Sister W. Williams

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