Monday, July 28, 2014

Hey y'all!!

I hope y'all have had an incredible week. It sure has been an incredible one here!! :)

The area here seems to be picking up quite a bit. We had some incredible experiences this week. One of my favorite highlights of the week is that we had 10 member present lessons. That is an all time high for my mission thus far. It's incredible to me to see the difference in teaching with, and without members. Investigators progress a lot more rapidly when members are involved.

Hannah Simpson is doing well, and is continuing to press forward toward her baptismal date of August 9th. She is getting fed a lot of anti from her family. But she is staying strong. She texts us her questions, and we respond in the best way that we know how. She is quite the studier. She is really feasting upon the words of Christ. It is neat to see the knowledge that she has been given just as she seeks it out.

We had a really great lesson with Tawanna this week. We took Sister Welch over, and she was a great fellowshipper to her. She invited Tawanna to church, and offered to have a lesson at her house. We did our best to overcome Tawanna's concern of coming to church yesterday. But we didn't seem to have resolved it. Even with Sister Welch's invitation to church. Tawanna still didn't attend. She doesn't want to be hypocritical and is very shy. We tried to overcome that by sharing that Christ came to be a physician to sinners; not the righteous. This week I hope to be able to overcome her concern of church fully.

We have had quite the experience with Dean Herrow. He met with Elders before, and never picked up the Book of Mormon. But ever since we have been working with him. He has been really feasting upon the scriptures. He asks us lots of questions regarding the Book of Mormon. Which is great because I can tell his heart is searching. He may not know it yet but because he wants to know the truth. I know that through prayer he will have a desire to change.

This week in studies I have been focusing on studying from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Gospel Principles manual. I have learned a lot by studying this way. I have really come to Love the Gospel Principles manual. In fact, I have learned a lot about basic doctrine in the church just from my reading of it. My goal is to continue to study in this manner. So I can get a better grasp on every gospel principle that I teach.

My prayer is that we all take our studies of the gospel more seriously. That we use all the resources we have to increase in our knowledge.

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

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