Monday, July 14, 2014

Hi y'all!!

I hope y'all had a great weekend. I learned a lot this week about the great Nation that we live in. How blessed we are to live in a nation truly under God.

This week has been both good, and a little rough. We found a lot of people this week. But most of them have already dropped off. We are continuing to work hard, and I know that miracles will happen. We were really hopeful that Debbie, and her 4 kids were going to come to church yesterday. We committed her to coming at our lesson on Friday. We even texted her on Saturday night, and Sunday morning but she didn't show up.

We contacted a media referral this week. We got a return appointment, and two New Investigators out of it. Mercedes is a 16 year old who ordered a Bible from Her mom; Betty ended up being at home as well. So we introduced the Book of Mormon to them, and they said that they both want to learn more. I look forward to teaching them with Sister Berry this week.

I am really excited because the Bishop here is really on board with missionary work. Yesterday in sacrament meeting he testified of the experience he had this week with missionary work. He said that every morning, and evening he prays that the Lord will deliver him "silver platters." Silver platters; meaning putting people in his path who are prepared to hear the gospel. He shared two experiences; good and bad. He mentioned how he was saddened when he missed a great opportunity to share the gospel. I know that his testimony definitely lit a fire among a lot of members.

This week in studies I prepared a lot for the talk I gave on Patriotism yesterday. As I studied for my talk I realized how God truly founded America. He always intended for this nation to be a land of freedom, and prosperity. It didn't just start with the founding fathers. It started with Lehi & his family being led to the "promised land". It helped me to realize that I need to be more grateful for the freedom's I enjoy. Especially freedom of speech since it allows me to proclaim the gospel to those who haven't heard it.

My prayer is that all of us pray for "silver platters". That we pray every morning and night for missionary opportunities. I know that as we do this, and open our mouths. That we will be able to feel of the joy that comes from bringing souls unto God.


Sister W. Williams

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