Monday, March 17, 2014

Hope y'all have had a great week! 

 This past week was a little rough for me. The area seems to be struggling a little right now. We got dropped by several investigators. We also received news that several of our investigators will be moving. Spiritual Harvesting isn't working too well right now. So we are really focusing on member referrals. Despite all this though, we had several really good things happen this week. First off, Shane Ross was ordained a Priest yesterday! Jenny's Baptism is now moved to March 29th because Shane has family flying in from Utah to support Jenny. They both have their eyes set on going to the Salt Lake City temple a year from her Baptism. I love the excitement they have for progressing in this gospel. Jenny finished the Book of Mormon this past week (read it in 3 weeks- we couldn't believe it!) Shane is reading daily. I love working with this family. Since they have helped me to see how important it is to work together as a family to progress in this gospel.

 Yesterday, Sharon and Ray Adams finally came to church. We have been inviting and inviting, week after week. Finally they came yesterday. They only came for third hour. But at least it was something! Sharon and Ray are really starting to progress. However, they will be moving soon. Ray received his Baptism & Confirmation certificate yesterday. Which he was ecstatic to receive. He is slowly coming back. It's neat to see how he is truly becoming converted to the gospel. Slowly, but surely. They both are helping each other to quit smoking. Sharon is reading the Book of Mormon, and we have been focusing on helping to resolve her concerns. What's neat to see is that as Ray progresses, Sharon does as well. Just shows the power of the family to me.

 Sister Mackliet and I are doing great! We are praying for guidance constantly, and as a result are being led by the Lord consistently. Sister Mackliet reminds me to be patient which helps a lot. Her optimism definitely helps with this work.

 On Wednesday I had a strong prompting to have the Elders teach Sharon and Ray. We had taught them on Monday, and no matter what we said. We couldn't resolve her concern of Joseph Smith practicing polygamy. I prayed and prayed that I might know how to help Sharon. As a result of my prayers, God let me know that the Elders would be able to help her. So they went and were able to clarify things for her. What's remarkable is that God not only answered my prayer, but he answered Sharon's as well. Sharon had been praying that the Elders would come and clarify things for her. This experience just reassured me how Heavenly Father truly does know each and everyone of us personally. He knows what we need, and will help us if we just ask for his help and guidance. 

 This week I learned a lot from studying 3 Nephi 18 & 19 along with Enos. I learned the power of prayer. I also learned that our prayers are answered according to our Faith. This week I have really tried to put that into practice. I had gotten into the habit of just praying to be praying. I knew I needed guidance from God. But I wasn't necessarily Believing whole heartedly that God would help. I was a "doubting Thomas". So I have really strived to Believe that God will help, and really communicate with him how I am feeling. I have also started to pray for specific things. Through this I have felt my Faith build. 

 My prayer is that everyone of us can truly understand the power of prayer. That we will be more sincere when we pray. That we will truly understand who we are talking to. I know that the Lord will bless us as we come to him believing in him. 

 Love y'all! 

 Sister W. Williams

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