Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Hi y'all,
The area here has progressed a little from last week. Now, although the week was a little rough similar to last. We SAW some extreme miracles take place yesterday at church. We had quite a few less actives show up that I wasn't expecting to see there at all. I am pretty sure most of the branch was shocked as well. Linda Shaw came to church, and really enjoyed it. She is living with a less-active; Brother Clark. He was one of the less-actives who we didn't think would show up to church. They even stayed for all 3 meetings which was really great. During our lesson this past weeked we invited her to look up some General Conference addresses on LDS.org to which she did. Yesterday, she told us that she really enjoyed the talks she watched, and loved hearing from President Monson. During the lesson we also invited her to pray about Thomas S. Monson beign the Prophet. She said that she didn't need to because she knew it was true. The Ross family is continuing to progress. Jenny will be baptized this saturday by Shane, and we are just as excited for them as they are. We finished up the dicussions that are needed prior to Baptism yesterday, and the spirit was really strong. When you look into Jenny's eyes you can really see the Light of Christ. I am grateful that I have been given the opportunity to teach Jenny. Through her conversion to the gospel, it has strengthened me. It has helped me to learn that all things happen in the lord's timing. She was taught prior to us but wasn't ready to accept it. But now she is, and she is all "feet in". :)

Sister Mackliet has been a big help to me this week. She came up with the idea of having a "Gratitude Rock". Each of us carry the rock for half the day. When it gets time to switch it off we say 3 things that we are grateful for. It is really helping me to develop a grateful heart. To really focus on the good amidst the storm that I typically see.

Yesterday we met Krista. We were walking our bikes up a hill, and she said sorry for her dog barking at us like crazy. We chained our bikes up, and I told Sister Mackliet that we needed to go back, and talk to the woman. So we did. Turns out, she has previously studied "Mormonism" among all other religions. She hasn't found one that she completely agrees with .She was raised church of christ but doesn't believe everything that they profess. She mentioned that it might not have been her time to accept our faith. I latched onto that comment. I told her that I knew we were sent to her for a reason, and that we would love to share the discussions with her. We left her with a Book of Mormon which she was grateful for. She has read a little bit of the Book of Mormon previously. But she mentioned that she has been wanting a copy again. I look forward to seeing her again, and helping her to see that this gospel truly is for her.

This week in studies a verse really hit me powerfully. I read Mark 2:17 which reads, "When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." From this verse it really stuck out to me that we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves for sinning. We just need to accept his gift, and really forgive ourselves. May we all really grasp the message of the atonement.
Love y'all!
Sister W. Williams

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