Monday, March 3, 2014

Hi y'all!

 Hope y'all had a great week this past week. It sure has been a great week here!

 We have a lot of things happening here in Pocahontas. Our investigators are really starting to progress. In fact, we had a lot of exciting things happen this week. First off, Jackie got Baptized!!! Unfortunately, she wasn't able to get confirmed this past week since church got cancelled yesterday. Being able to watch her enter into the waters of Baptism was a reminder to me of why I am on my mission. It's not about the numbers. It's about God's children making a covenant with God. What was incredible to me was that I didn't think "I have a Baptism today." The whole day I was thinking, "Jackie is getting Baptized!" I am so glad I am able to see it this way because that is the way Baptisms should be seen. It's not about me. It's all about God, and the Holy Ghost helping all of God's children return back to him. What an amazing opportunity it is to be a part of this great work! 

 Secondly, we experienced a huge miracle. Ray; a 23 year old who got Baptized this past summer and since has been really anti started reading the Book of Mormon. It is through his starting of reading the Book of Mormon that he has come to know that Joseph Smith was a prophet. It's like night and day with him. So anti, and now is working towards getting a patriarchal blessing. He is also supporting and working alongside his mom who we are teaching; Sharon with quitting smoking. It's been amazing to see how powerful the Book of Mormon really is through this experience.

 Sister Mackliet and I are doing really great. She is an amazing missionary, and really desires to serve the Lord the best way that she can. We work well together, and always make sure that we back each others testimonies up.

 We had an interesting experience this week....we found out that our investigator; Peggy is actually a member of the church. How could this happen? She has some memory loss. We found out that she was a member because while looking through the branch list we came across the name of Peggy Webb. We asked her information that could match her to the Peggy Webb on the list. Low and behold, it was her. We had to ask many questions to help her remember being taught by missionaries. She still was back and forth on the fact that she was Baptized. 

 This week in studies I have been studying Matthew. While studying I am writing down all of the questions that the Savior asked. What's been amazing to me is that the way that the Savior taught was through inspired questions. He had those he taught teach themselves through questions. From these studies I am really going to focus on "looking to heaven" for questions in lessons this week.

 My prayer is that we all focus on the power of the Book of Mormon in our lives. By reading it in our families and individually. I know that the Book of Mormon truly is the converter. It has been witnessed to me over and over here in the mission field. If you desire happiness, and a close relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ you must read the Book of Mormon. 

 Love y'all!

 Sister W. Williams

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