Monday, March 31, 2014

Hi y'all!

 I hope your week has been great. We experienced many miracles this week. God truly does bless us in our times of need.

 We have seen some improvement within the area this week. Most exciting of all though, was that Jenny was baptized by Shane on Saturday! She was confirmed yesterday as well. I have loved being able to be a part of their teaching process. They are an amazing family. It has been neat to see how Jenny's conversion has helped contribute to her husbands reactivation. You can see a light in their eyes that has come from living the gospel. We also have been able to see the happiness that has come into their lives. As they focus on getting to the temple a year from now. What an experience it has been to see a family truly thrive on the gospel principles. A lot of Returning Members were at church yesterday. It is neat to see how the lord is bringing many back into his fold. Everyone comes back at different times. But the only thing that truly matters is that they are converted to the gospel.

Things are continuing to go really well with Linda. She came to church yesterday, and was an active participant. Yesterday, she shared how much she has learned in the short time of meeting with us. Than she ever did growing up in the Pentecostal church. It was just a testament to me of how we are truly blessed to be members in the church. That we have more knowledge than we realize. What's also really neat is that whenever we go over she always tells us what she learned from her readings. She really dives into the scriptures, and tries to understand what's going on.

Sister Mackliet is teaching me a lot. She asks a lot of inspired questions during lessons. This helps the lessons to really be driven by the spirit. It also causes the spirit to be felt a lot more during lessons. Than if we just asked questions to be asking questions.

Yesterday we were able to participate in a District fast. We were all fasting that we could jump start our areas again, and find people to teach. The past few weeks haven't been very successful for us in the finding aspect of missionary work. What was amazing is that we saw miracles come from it. Yesterday, we spiritually harvested for an hour. During 20 minutes of which we found two potential families to work with. One of the ladies names is Bridget. We saw her sitting outside, and knew that God placed her in our path for a reason. As we started talking to her. It turned out that she had just been praying. She recognized that we were an answer to her prayers. We introduced the Book of Mormon to her, and she said "I will read it all." Although, prayers aren't always answered immediately. I was grateful that Heavenly Father heard our prayers, and rewarded us for our diligence.

During studies this week I came upon a quote I had in my scriptures. It talked about the difference between being Thankful and Grateful. It talked about Thankfulness just being words. Gratefulness is manifested by our actions. To me this means that when we pray we are thankful. When we Go and Do we are Grateful. Heavenly Father doesn't just want us to thank him in our prayers to show our love for all that he has given us. He wants us to do something about it. He wants us to read our scriptures because he has given them to us. He wants us to teach our brothers and sisters about the gospel. Since he has blessed us with the opportunity to live when the fullness of the gospel was revealed. How can I apply this in my life? I am going to show Gratitude by using the things that he has blessed me with to their fullest value. I mean really feasting on the scriptures, and listening and pondering after I pray. My challenge to all of you would be to ponder upon how you can show Gratitude to God for all that he has given you. I know that you will see more blessings in your life as you do.

 I am looking forward to General Conference and hope y'all are as well. May we all write questions down and go to the lord for answers. I know that if we go into conference listening whole heartedly. Things will be revealed to us that we need in our lives right now.

 Love y'all!

 -Sister W. Williams

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