Monday, April 28, 2014

Hi y'all! 

I hope everything is going well. Things are going well here. 

The area here is doing really great. Things are really coming along. Things with Linda are going really great. She loves coming to church, and is an active participant. This week we are going to really focus on getting over her main concern with Baptism. She will have to get married in order to be Baptized. But we feel that that is the tip of the iceberg. So we are really going to focus on asking inspired questions. Really trying to resolve what her main concern really is. We came back into contact with quite a few investigators this week. Hallelujah! We had a great lesson with Lesa. She is going through a really hard time right now. But she acknowledges that she really needs Christ more in her life. She had told us on Saturday that she was going to come to church. But she unfortunately didn't come. So this week we are going to focus on getting her to church. Showing the importance of ACTING upon the desire she has to further her Faith in Christ. 

We did have quite the heart break this week with Randy & Diane. Diane told us that they are going to stick with being Pentecostal. (Even though they don't believe in how the church is changing...) She said they can't get over the differences they have found in doctrine. Between what they believe and what we believe. The crazy thing is that we ended up talking to Diane twice. The first time we didn't directly ask what they had learned that was contrary to their beliefs. So we went back as directed by the Spirit. (As awkward as we felt doing it). We then asked what she read. Tried to see if we could resolve things but she didn't really allow us to. All I can say is that at least we tried our best with retaining them. 

We had an interesting lesson with Brenda, David, and their daughter. Brenda is quite open to talking with us. However, David is quite cynical. He kept trying to "confound" us it seemed like. However, the spirit really helped us out. He asked many questions trying to catch me. But luckily as I opened my mouth God filled it. One question he asked was "Do you think you could read the original Hebrew Bible." I responded by saying that if God intended me to read it. Then he would allow me the gift of being able to read Hebrew. He said, "good answer." I am just glad God really helped me out in this experience. 

This week in studies I was really able to learn a lot. I was enlightened upon the subject of the Resurrection. I have always known that the concept of the Resurrection is important. But I could never understand why it was. Until this week when I studied Jesus the Christ and 2 Nephi 9. I learned that the importance of regaining our bodies is that we are able to overcome Satan's grasp. In Jesus the Christ it mentioned that Satan has a brief victory period when our spirits leave our bodies. Since we fought in the beginning to have our bodies. We are able to fully overcome Satan when we receive what he can't have eternally. He can't ever have a body so he desires that for us as well. What a neat concept! That it is only through the Resurrection that we can be freed from the devil's grasp eternally.

My prayer is that we all can learn something new everyday. From studying the scriptures, and other church materials we have readily accessible today. May we all prayerfully study, and really ponder so that we can learn what God intends for us to learn. 

 Love y'all! 

 Sister W. Williams

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