Monday, April 21, 2014

Hey y'all!!
Hope you had a great Easter Sunday yesterday. It was a really great Easter for me yesterday! :) Lots of exciting things happened this week!
The area here is doing pretty good. We are just trying to get people progressing. We talk to, and find a lot of people. We just can't seem to retain/ get back into contact with them. We are seeing a lot of miracles take place here in Pocahontas. Yesterday, we had around 70 people at church. On a normal Sunday we have 40. We had quite a few visitors. But a lot of Less Actives attended yesterday. We have been working closely with the McClung/Lowtharp family. Sister Lowtharp has come when her work schedule has allowed the past few months. Her parents finally came yesterday. Sister Mackliet and I were thrilled! Things with Linda are really coming along. We had a very spiritual lesson with her Thursday. We talked about Temples, and doing work for the dead. She has previously had a hard time wrapping her head around the doctrine of the spirit world. But it finally clicked. She said, "So I can do the work for my parents?". She was really touched by this notion. I just love how the gospel can unify us with our ancestors who have gone on before us.

The Ross family is really going strong in the gospel. They are reading "Jesus the Christ" every night together. They are really "feasting" on the gospel. They will be going to do baptisms for the dead this weekend. We are really excited for them! They have their eyes on the "prize" right now. They are already making plans to come to Salt Lake, April 9 of next year to be sealed as a family. I cannot wait for that!
On Monday I had a powerful spiritual experience. In the morning I felt prompted to read about Ammon and Aaron's experience teaching King Lamoni and his father. We were teaching Josh, who doesn't believe in God. I have read these chapters in Alma several times. So I didn't really feel inclined to read them. But the spirit strongly pushed me to read them. I am really glad I followed this prompting. Since that afternoon during our lesson. Josh mentioned that he believed in a Great Spirit. I turned right to Alma 22. He was shocked I responded so fast. What a testimony this experience was for me of heeding the Spirit's promptings at all times.

I had a really neat experience with the "Go Vertical" on Friday. I prayed to know what I could study that would help me become a better missionary. I was lead to study about "Finding" in Preach My Gospel. Over the past few weeks I have felt that one thing I can work on is talking to everyone. This is something that I struggle with. I don't have a problem knocking on doors. I have trouble going up to people on the street, and talking with them. From my study I learned that I just need to get over my fear. Since God puts people in my path for specific reasons. I ended my Go Vertical with a prayer. Telling God that I would work on talking with everyone from now on. That afternoon EVERYONE seemed to be outside. God was testing me. Although I am not perfect at it yet. I am doing significantly better on talking with everyone on the street. I am glad that I was able to have this experience, and to really apply what I learned these past few days.
My prayer is that y'all will find a way that you can better serve Christ. To pray and ask God how you can better yourself. I promise as you do that he will let you know what it is that you can do. You will become stronger, and he will help you as you strive to be better. I can also promise that you will be happier as you get nearer to God.
Love y'all!
Sister W. Williams

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