Monday, April 14, 2014

Hey y'all!

 I hope that with Easter this Sunday. You are able to really reflect on all that the Savior has done for each one of you individually. I know that my Love and Knowledge of him grows deeper each and everyday.

The area here is doing quite well. The Branch is focusing a lot on retention, and getting the recent converts to the temple. We had an awesome lesson with Dianne and Randy this week. We had found Randy a couple months ago. But were never able to get back into contact with him. We finally did, and we were able to meet his wife as well. They mentioned how they don't like how the Pentecostal religion is changing doctrine so much. They also mentioned how they have always felt that something has been missing in their life. During our lesson they were able to feel the spirit strongly. Randy mentioned how he just wanted to learn more. He asked the gold question of "Why are there so many religions?" We explained using the Restoration. But I am not sure how much he comprehended of the lesson. So this week we are going to follow up on their understanding of the Restoration. We also met a lady by the name of Brenda this week. We were walking the street and I felt strongly prompted to knock on her door. She let us in, and asked many questions pertaining to the Plan of Salvation. Her son died within the past year, and she is still greatly grieving the loss. We gave her Alma 40 to read in the Book of Mormon. I am looking forward to teaching her how this gospel can greatly bless her with her current challenge.

Sister Mackliet and I are doing really great. I learn everyday from her example. She is a great listener, and I appreciate her willingness to help me with my concerns and challenges. She is a great example of Jesus Christ.

We spent Friday night this week in Walnut Ridge. Both Sister Mackliet, and I felt that we needed to blitz the area to try to find the Elders some investigators. Since they have been struggling with building a teaching pool. It was "no, after no" just within 30 min. of Spiritual Harvesting. But we didn't give up. We knew without a doubt that we needed to be there. So I knew we would find someone. Eventually we knocked a door, and found Haley. She is 15 and is a missionary in her own way. She says that she has brought many of her friends to a knowledge of Christ. Her golden question is along the lines of; "Can my preacher answer if families can be together forever?" Right then I knew Haley was the one that we needed to find Friday. It was just a witness to me that with diligence God will bless us. It also was a witness to me that this is God's work, and as we heed promptings miracles will occur.

As I prepared to teach the gospel principles lesson on Prophets yesterday. I was particularly hit when I read about SUSTAINING the prophet. I pondered about what it means to sustain. To sustain means to support. I don't think as church members we understand what it truly means to sustain. To me it means that we don't murmur with the new revelation he receives on how we can better ourselves. It means that we follow his counsel exactly. It also means that we know exactly what he has taught recently. Many of us know the teachings of the biblical prophets. But do we know what President Monson said just last week? It helped me to understand that I need to really study and know the words of modern day prophets. My prayer is that each one of us gets to the point that if asked. We could "on demand" state exactly what our prophet has counseled us to do today. Have a great Easter!

Love y'all!! -Sister W. Williams

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