Monday, December 16, 2013

Hi y'all!!
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, and are focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. What's interesting is that many people we have been talking to lately. Are constantly bringing up how much the world is ruining Christmas. They dislike how materialistic the world is coming during this season. So my hope is that y'all focus on the true meaning of CHRISTmas being CHRIST himself, and all that he has done for you. Especially the greatest gift that has been given to us, being his birth resulting in his great atoning sacrifice.
The area here is really starting to pick up. We found two Spanish Investigators this week which was exciting. One of which is Juana, a 16 year old from Guatamala who is really progressing. We have taught her two lessons so far, and she loves to learn. When we first met her, Sister Ives taught her The Restoration. (She forgot that she wasn't telling me what was going on. So I wasn't able to testify at all, unfortunately.) As it turned out though, Juana has already heard about The Restoration. So she remembered a little from what she had been taught. We then took Sister Whitlock with us to teach her yesterday. The lesson seemed to have gone really well. Sister Whitlock taught Juana about The Book of Mormon, and it was amazing to see Juana's eagerness to read it. It was also neat because Juana is really excited to come to church on Sunday. We are going over to Juana's house again tonight, and I am excited to finally be able to testify in Spanish. I am also excited because we have plans to set a Baptism date with her.

We have seen quite the Miracle take place with the Ross/Spears/Patterson family in the Branch here. This home has 4 generations living under it. The grand-daughter is 10 years old, and her name is Heather. We have been teaching her the discussions so that she will be ready for Baptism at the end of this month. This family is Less-Active and Part-Member. What's amazing is that Heather is getting her Mom; Sister Patterson to start reading the Book of Mormon. She is also getting her Grandmother; Sister Spears to read the Book of Mormon with her. It's amazing to feel the spirit that is now in there home as they are all coming closer to Christ together. It's been a testimony to me of how we all can be examples to those around us.

Sister Ives and I are doing great. We have for the most part been working better in unity. Our lessons have been stronger, and we are getting better at talking 50/50. Spiritual Harvesting is becoming a lot better with her participating more and more. She has an amazing testimony, and it's neat to see how many hearts it has touched.

The interesting thing has been that we have found a lot of investigators who the previous Elders have taught. They didn't leave behind an Area Book. So we have completely found them again by the Spirit. So it's been amazing to see how the Spirit works. Many of them aren't ready to talk to us until after the Holidays.

This week in my studies I have been reading Matthew. Focusing on the things that Christ did in his ministry. That I am able to do as a missionary. As I have done this, I have come to recognize how I really am a Representative of Jesus Christ. I am doing many things that he did himself. Christ taught, preached, and healed. This is repeated many times through Matthew. That is exactly what I am doing. I am teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am preaching Repentance, and I am helping those I teach become healed. By inviting them to Repent and accept Christ's atonement along with the healing that comes from Baptism. I have also reflected on how Christ completely did the will of the father. That is something that I am continually working on. I am grateful I can read about Christ, and see how I can more fully REPRESENT him.
May we all remember that we all have taken upon ourselves the name of Christ at Baptism. May we all more fully represent him, and make sure we are true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Sister Whitney Jo Williams

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