Monday, July 28, 2014

Hey y'all!!

I hope y'all have had an incredible week. It sure has been an incredible one here!! :)

The area here seems to be picking up quite a bit. We had some incredible experiences this week. One of my favorite highlights of the week is that we had 10 member present lessons. That is an all time high for my mission thus far. It's incredible to me to see the difference in teaching with, and without members. Investigators progress a lot more rapidly when members are involved.

Hannah Simpson is doing well, and is continuing to press forward toward her baptismal date of August 9th. She is getting fed a lot of anti from her family. But she is staying strong. She texts us her questions, and we respond in the best way that we know how. She is quite the studier. She is really feasting upon the words of Christ. It is neat to see the knowledge that she has been given just as she seeks it out.

We had a really great lesson with Tawanna this week. We took Sister Welch over, and she was a great fellowshipper to her. She invited Tawanna to church, and offered to have a lesson at her house. We did our best to overcome Tawanna's concern of coming to church yesterday. But we didn't seem to have resolved it. Even with Sister Welch's invitation to church. Tawanna still didn't attend. She doesn't want to be hypocritical and is very shy. We tried to overcome that by sharing that Christ came to be a physician to sinners; not the righteous. This week I hope to be able to overcome her concern of church fully.

We have had quite the experience with Dean Herrow. He met with Elders before, and never picked up the Book of Mormon. But ever since we have been working with him. He has been really feasting upon the scriptures. He asks us lots of questions regarding the Book of Mormon. Which is great because I can tell his heart is searching. He may not know it yet but because he wants to know the truth. I know that through prayer he will have a desire to change.

This week in studies I have been focusing on studying from the Bible, Book of Mormon, and Gospel Principles manual. I have learned a lot by studying this way. I have really come to Love the Gospel Principles manual. In fact, I have learned a lot about basic doctrine in the church just from my reading of it. My goal is to continue to study in this manner. So I can get a better grasp on every gospel principle that I teach.

My prayer is that we all take our studies of the gospel more seriously. That we use all the resources we have to increase in our knowledge.

Love y'all!

Sister W. Williams

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hey y'all!
I hope y'all have had an incredible week. It sure has been an amazing one for me. Filled with many miracles from God.
The area here experienced a lot of success this week. We had some pretty incredible experiences this week. First off, I have finally come to know why I was sent to Senatobia. We went over and saw the Hodge family this week, and had an incredible experience. We took a sister from the ward who has just recently been reactivated. This was inspired by God since she had a lot of connections with the Hodges. This dear sister was able to share her experience of coming back to church with Sister Hodge. It seemed to really help Sister Hodge as she mentioned her concern of currently having Word Of Wisdom issues. I shared how we all sin, and there are many members who still have Word of Wisdom problems. But that they still attend church. This was just the encouragement she needed. As a result of this she committed to coming to the pioneer picnic this week. She is going to bring her non-member daughter in- law, and grandkids.

Yesterday was incredible. Sister Camille Bishop gave her homecoming talk, and had two non-member friends at church. One named Hannah Simmons came up to us after church , and shared the great desire she has to be baptized with us. So last night we had dinner with the Syme's family (Camille's Sisters family) and afterwards had a spirit filled lesson. We taught Hannah the gospel of Jesus Christ. We had her pray between the Baptismal dates of August 2nd and 9th as we weren't sure which one God wanted for her. As she prayed it was answered as August 9th. She has a great desire to be Baptized, and we are just praying that she is given strength. As she is scared to tell her family. So if you could, please keep Hannah in your prayers.

Sister Tu'ifua and I seem to be struggling on teaching in unity.  In lessons it seems as though I am headed one direction, and she is headed a total other way. But we are trying to work on that. I hope that we figure it out so that we can really help our investigators progress.

I had a really spiritual experience reading through my Patriarchal Blessing this week. I took a paper and created two columns. One column I had as "Blessings from God", and the other was "What I need to do to receive those blessings". As I dissected by blessing I came to the realization that God has blessed me beyond measure. All I need to do is live worthy of the blessings, and seek after them daily. It was eye opening to me because I didn't realize how many blessings God is willing to impart on all of us. It also was an eye opener to see what I need to be seeking after, and how I need to be living my life. My goal this week is to focus on living my life in a manner that is in accordance to the promised blessings I may be given.

My prayer is that we realize how many blessings we truly are given from the Lord. We need to seek after the gifts he has given us. We need to live our lives in a way that he can bless us. Keep being Member Missionaries, and I know the Lord will allow you to feel of the joy that comes from bringing a soul unto him.
Have a great week, and know that y'all are in my prayers!
Sister W. Williams

Monday, July 14, 2014

Hi y'all!!

I hope y'all had a great weekend. I learned a lot this week about the great Nation that we live in. How blessed we are to live in a nation truly under God.

This week has been both good, and a little rough. We found a lot of people this week. But most of them have already dropped off. We are continuing to work hard, and I know that miracles will happen. We were really hopeful that Debbie, and her 4 kids were going to come to church yesterday. We committed her to coming at our lesson on Friday. We even texted her on Saturday night, and Sunday morning but she didn't show up.

We contacted a media referral this week. We got a return appointment, and two New Investigators out of it. Mercedes is a 16 year old who ordered a Bible from Her mom; Betty ended up being at home as well. So we introduced the Book of Mormon to them, and they said that they both want to learn more. I look forward to teaching them with Sister Berry this week.

I am really excited because the Bishop here is really on board with missionary work. Yesterday in sacrament meeting he testified of the experience he had this week with missionary work. He said that every morning, and evening he prays that the Lord will deliver him "silver platters." Silver platters; meaning putting people in his path who are prepared to hear the gospel. He shared two experiences; good and bad. He mentioned how he was saddened when he missed a great opportunity to share the gospel. I know that his testimony definitely lit a fire among a lot of members.

This week in studies I prepared a lot for the talk I gave on Patriotism yesterday. As I studied for my talk I realized how God truly founded America. He always intended for this nation to be a land of freedom, and prosperity. It didn't just start with the founding fathers. It started with Lehi & his family being led to the "promised land". It helped me to realize that I need to be more grateful for the freedom's I enjoy. Especially freedom of speech since it allows me to proclaim the gospel to those who haven't heard it.

My prayer is that all of us pray for "silver platters". That we pray every morning and night for missionary opportunities. I know that as we do this, and open our mouths. That we will be able to feel of the joy that comes from bringing souls unto God.


Sister W. Williams

Monday, July 7, 2014

Hi y'all, 

 Hope you had a great 4th of July, and realized how blessed we truly are

 The area here seems to be picking up quite a bit. Our Zone Leaders came down on Saturday, and blitzed the area. They found a family, and several other investigators for us. I am grateful that they were so willing to help us out. I look forward to meeting all the people they found at our appointments on Tuesday. We taught The Restoration lesson to Shirley and her daughter this week. We couldn't get Shirley to quite grasp the concept of Priesthood. So I hope that when we see her again this week we can teach it to her understanding. I was disappointed when she cancelled her ride to come to church yesterday morning. This week we are going to try to see what her problem is with coming to church. She came last week but this week she had the excuse that being picked up at 8:30 instead of 8:45 was just too early.... 

 Things with Justine are really coming along. She is gaining a lot of knowledge about the Plan of Salvation. She said that she really enjoys being able to better understand what will happen after this life. She still doesn't completely understand the Resurrection. She can't quite grasp the fact that the bodies we have now are going to be perfected. I know that understanding will come as she continues to read from the Book of Mormon. I am grateful that she has a great desire the read the Book of Mormon. That's usually a major hurdle we have to overcome down here. 

 Sister Tu'ifua and I are doing well. This week we are focusing on finding common ground with those we meet. This will be accomplished through use of the Bible first, and then giving reference to The Book of Mormon. 

 Yesterday I fasted that we would know which Part-Member families we should start working with. I also fasted that hearts will soften here. God's love was manifested to me yesterday when he answered my prayers, and fast. We briefly saw a member yesterday, and asked if there were any recent move-ins in her area. In response she mentioned that across the street lives a part-member family. She mentioned that the kids really want to come to church. As she said this I immediately thought of how this was an answer to my prayers. I am so grateful that God is willing to bless us as we sacrifice a little to him. 

 This morning in my Book of Mormon studies the word "afflictions" kept coming up. The passage of 2 Nephi 2:2 really stuck out to me. I love how it says, that "he shall consecrate thine afflictions for thy gain." What a comfort it is to know that all that God gives us is to refine us, and make us better. Afflictions aren't fun by any means. But they are the means by which we can grow. As we look to God he will strengthen us, and give us the ability to endure hard things. 

 May we all look unto Christ as we go through afflictions, and challenges. The key is to draw nearer to God. Not abandon him. When we are going through difficult times. May we draw on the Savior's strength as we accept and use Christ's atonement in our daily lives. 

Love y'all!

 Sister W. Williams