Monday, December 30, 2013

Hi y'all,
I hope you had a WONDERFUL Christmas, and that you were able to focus on Christ and all of the things he has done and continues to do for you. I had a GREAT Christmas here! This week we taught a lot of people, and met many of God's elect.

Like I said, the area here seemed to explode this week. Christmas Eve and Christmas Day were spent finding and teaching many whose hearts seemed to be softened with the spirit of Christ. On Christmas Eve we found a man named Cory and his family. We had a unique experience with this family. We received them as a referral three times that day. It seemed to us as though it was a sign from God telling us that Cory and his family are his elect. We prayed with Cory, and taught him The Restoration. He mentioned that his family recently moved, and has been looking for a new church to attend. He asked if our church had programs for children. We explained primary and the family centered atmosphere our church has. As we taught the Restoration he was interested in the priesthood, and the fact that our curriculum is taught in the same manner all around the world. Instead of preachers in the same church teaching different doctrine. We will be seeing them this week, and I am excited to go through the Restoration with all the family members listening.

On Christmas Day we found a couple who is also the elect. Tim showed us his tattoos after we extended the invitation to pray with him. I think he is bothered by his decision to get them. He mentioned that he isn't as close to Christ as he should be and was previously. In response to the tattoos I said, that a believer in Christ is a believer in Christ. I think my remarks shocked him because I was non-judgemental. He is interested in rekindling his relationship with Jesus Christ. He was quick to accept our return appointment. We weren't able to see him and his wife again though. But I look forward to teaching them about the Restoration of the church and gospel of Jesus Christ.
On Christmas we also met a lady named Kim. We taught her The Restoration the next day and she seemed to be quick to understanding. I extended the baptism date of January 16th and she said yes. She seemed to understand the Priesthood (which seems to be everyone's hold up). Our appointment fell through with her the other day but I look forward to getting back in contact with her. I know how much this gospel can bless her and her family. After these 3 pretty remarkable teaching days though (Dec. 24, 25, 26). The 27th was a really rough day. We knocked on at least 15 doors, and people either didn't answer, or they weren't interested at all. It was quite rough. It definitely was a trial of my faith. Luckily, I remembered President Petersen telling us. That when we are having a rather rough day. We need to DOUBLE our Faith instead of Halfing it!! The silver lining in the day though was that we met a lady named Susan. Who we will be seeing this week. She is quite familiar with Mormons I am just not sure to what extend yet though.. We will be figuring that out this week though.

Hermana Ives has been a joy to serve with. I will miss her positive attitude, and optimism she shares with all those we talk to. It is great to see the progress she made as a missionary this transfer. She went from not talking at all, to talking on door-steps, and we have been working on talking in lessons. It's been great to see the progress she has made, and her GO and DO attitude. I have learned a lot from her, and I am grateful I had the opportunity to be her companion.

On Friday we went to visit Anna & Patrick. Patrick is a non-member, and Anna was baptized years ago but quickly fell away. She told us that she had been reading the Book of Mormon and wanted to discuss things AFTER Christmas. So on Friday we knocked on the door, and immediately got bashed. She told us how she is never going to convert back to "Mormonism". Because she doesn't believe the temple is secret not sacred, and she believes in "beware of false prophets". She made these points several times wanting an argument from us. We didn't give it to her though. We walked away sad that her heart is so hardened.

This week in studies I have been really trying to liken the scriptures to myself. As I have done so it has helped me to get more out of the Book of Mormon. It has also helped me to further my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I know that as we make the Book of Mormon a priority to read in our life we will be happy, and we will feel and notice God's presence more in our lives.

I pray that y'all will have an AMAZING start to the New Year, and will think of ways that you can come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ this year. May we all rededicate ourselves to the Lord. 

Love y'all!!
Sister W. Williams

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas (two days early) y'all!!
I hope this season has been a good one for everyone. Filled with Family, Friends, and Fun. I hope you have been able to focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Meaning, CHRIST. After all, he has given us the greatest gift we could have ever been given; the atonement. The only thing that makes it possible to return to live with Heavenly Father, our families, and himself for all eternity. 

Yesterday, I gave a talk in church. I titled it "The Greatest Gift." I talked about how we all should make it a goal this year to give Jesus Christ a miraculous gift this year. Which is following his example, and giving God our whole-self and will. I pray that we all can be a little better, and trust in the lord so much. That we are willing to do anything he asks, no questions asked. It is definitely something I am working on ,and will continue to work on.
The area seems to really be picking up, and we are focusing on the elect. We had a lot of good things happen this week. Yesterday we had two really good lessons with the Leathers and Heather Spears. Park Leather asked us, "Why the Book of Mormon? Why another book?" So we read with him 2 Nephi 29. We then asked what he learned, and he got a little side tracked. So I invited him to read it again, and we will discuss it next time we have a lesson with him. The good news though is that he is still searching for the true church. He hasn't been able to come to ours yet because of his health (he has cancer) but he likes what he sees of our church so far. He loves how happy the missionaries are, and the members are. That he has come into contact with. I know that it is through attending church that everything will click for him. So we are just continuing to invite him to attend church.

With Heather, we taught her the commandments. The lesson went really well. Sister Ives and I taught in unity, and we asked lots of questions to make sure that Heather understood all that we were talking about. It's amazing to see how much knowledge Heather has just at 10 years of age. She knows exactly why she wants to be Baptized, "to be forgiven of all sins, and to start on the path of eternal life." She is reading the Book of Mormon, and notices the increased knowledge she has gotten from doing so. She also recognizes the happiness she gets from reading it as well. She is continuing to be a light in her families life in re-activation.

Sister Ives and I are doing pretty good. This week was a little slow in the beginning though. I studied for two days straight because she had to sleep the flu off. But we have been doing a little better on unity in lessons. The only problem is that I am doing most of the talking. Hopefully that changes F.A.S.T.

We had an interesting day on Friday. We went to have a lesson with Sister Fills, and she dropped us. We knocked on the door, she said, "Come in, I will give your stuff back to you." All I could do was testify that I know this gospel will bless her life. But I couldn't save it. Needless to say, that one cut to the heart. We then spiritual harvested a door, and got rejected once again. But we asked for a referral and this referral ended up golden. We knocked on the door and a man named Jason or Justin (not sure which one) came out on the porch. We prayed with him, and taught him the Restoration right at the door step. When I asked him what he would do if Christ's church was on the earth today. He was immediately drawn into what we had to say. He said he would come to church, but unfortunately didn't. I am grateful for this tender mercy God blessed us with. I look forward to continuing to teach him because I know that he is the Elect.

This week in studies I studied James. I particularly pondered James chapter 5. A couple of things stood out to me as I read James 5. First, it talked about being Patient in afflictions along causing us to be happy in enduring. It talked about how all of the prophets have had to patient in suffering. I likened this to me because as a missionary I have to be patient. With myself, companions, and investigators. Missionary work is a trial of Patience. Patience is something I am continually working on, and it gave me strength to know that prophets throughout all the ages have had struggles just like me. What really stood out to me though was verse 20, "Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins." I like this because this sums up missionary work. As we have our purpose written on our hearts. That is inviting all souls to Repent, and enter the gate we are saving them from spiritual death. I am grateful for this incite because it re-emphasized the importance of having my purpose written on my heart.

Hope you have a great holiday! Love y'all!!
-Sister Whitney Jo Williams

Monday, December 16, 2013

Hi y'all!!
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday season, and are focusing on the true meaning of Christmas. What's interesting is that many people we have been talking to lately. Are constantly bringing up how much the world is ruining Christmas. They dislike how materialistic the world is coming during this season. So my hope is that y'all focus on the true meaning of CHRISTmas being CHRIST himself, and all that he has done for you. Especially the greatest gift that has been given to us, being his birth resulting in his great atoning sacrifice.
The area here is really starting to pick up. We found two Spanish Investigators this week which was exciting. One of which is Juana, a 16 year old from Guatamala who is really progressing. We have taught her two lessons so far, and she loves to learn. When we first met her, Sister Ives taught her The Restoration. (She forgot that she wasn't telling me what was going on. So I wasn't able to testify at all, unfortunately.) As it turned out though, Juana has already heard about The Restoration. So she remembered a little from what she had been taught. We then took Sister Whitlock with us to teach her yesterday. The lesson seemed to have gone really well. Sister Whitlock taught Juana about The Book of Mormon, and it was amazing to see Juana's eagerness to read it. It was also neat because Juana is really excited to come to church on Sunday. We are going over to Juana's house again tonight, and I am excited to finally be able to testify in Spanish. I am also excited because we have plans to set a Baptism date with her.

We have seen quite the Miracle take place with the Ross/Spears/Patterson family in the Branch here. This home has 4 generations living under it. The grand-daughter is 10 years old, and her name is Heather. We have been teaching her the discussions so that she will be ready for Baptism at the end of this month. This family is Less-Active and Part-Member. What's amazing is that Heather is getting her Mom; Sister Patterson to start reading the Book of Mormon. She is also getting her Grandmother; Sister Spears to read the Book of Mormon with her. It's amazing to feel the spirit that is now in there home as they are all coming closer to Christ together. It's been a testimony to me of how we all can be examples to those around us.

Sister Ives and I are doing great. We have for the most part been working better in unity. Our lessons have been stronger, and we are getting better at talking 50/50. Spiritual Harvesting is becoming a lot better with her participating more and more. She has an amazing testimony, and it's neat to see how many hearts it has touched.

The interesting thing has been that we have found a lot of investigators who the previous Elders have taught. They didn't leave behind an Area Book. So we have completely found them again by the Spirit. So it's been amazing to see how the Spirit works. Many of them aren't ready to talk to us until after the Holidays.

This week in my studies I have been reading Matthew. Focusing on the things that Christ did in his ministry. That I am able to do as a missionary. As I have done this, I have come to recognize how I really am a Representative of Jesus Christ. I am doing many things that he did himself. Christ taught, preached, and healed. This is repeated many times through Matthew. That is exactly what I am doing. I am teaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, I am preaching Repentance, and I am helping those I teach become healed. By inviting them to Repent and accept Christ's atonement along with the healing that comes from Baptism. I have also reflected on how Christ completely did the will of the father. That is something that I am continually working on. I am grateful I can read about Christ, and see how I can more fully REPRESENT him.
May we all remember that we all have taken upon ourselves the name of Christ at Baptism. May we all more fully represent him, and make sure we are true disciples of Jesus Christ.

Sister Whitney Jo Williams

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hi y'all!
 I hope you are having a GREAT Christmas Season this year, and are enjoying the many festivities that occur during this time of year. I am doing great, and have had a pretty crazy week! On Friday, President Petersen kept all the missionaries inside all day. So we studied for 4 additional hours. It was nice being able to study for that long but it was hard staying inside all day. This week we have also been on bike week so we have been walking on ice. They don't have snow plows here so that's been interesting...I am grateful for the snow though because I wasn't sure that I would see it for 18 months! 

 I can tell that some amazing things are going to start happening in this area. We are working a lot on re-activation, and our efforts are working. We had two really neat experiences with Less-Active / Part-Member families. We went and visited Sister Lowtharp this week, and as we shared a thought it was great hearing her bear her testimony. We then stopped by her house later in the week to help her clean her house. As we did this she mentioned to us that she knows that she needs to start coming back to church. She brought up her concern about how her husband who hasn't been attending church for about 3 to 5 years. Is finally attending with her at Living Waters. She is worried that he might not come as she tries to come back to our church. But we testified that things will work out as she heeds God's counsel. She is really opening up to us with her concerns, and it's been a great experience being able to help her. She also is a great member missionary, talking to her colleagues at work, and I know she will be a huge asset to the church. 

 Last night we watched the First Presidency Devotional with the Browns. Afterwards, I asked Brother Brown what his favorite part about the devotional was. He mentioned that he really enjoyed Sister Wixom's talk, and the music that was sung by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. He then shared with us how at Thanksgiving. He had a great missionary experience with sharing our true beliefs with his mother-in-law. He shared that she had some misinformation and he felt good being able to clear some of that information up. 

 We found a really neat couple this week; Park and Lynda Leathers. Everything Park has a belief of is found in our church even though he doesn't fully know it yet. He hasn't attended yet, but is really interested in coming. He reads from the Book of Mormon but his main hang up is that we call ourselves Mormons instead of just Christians. He also has a hard time about Joseph Smith being a prophet. So we are inviting him to pray, and continue reading The Book of Mormon. We feel that once he comes to church everything will come together for him. 

 Sister Ives and I are doing great. We are getting better at working in Unity although, we do still have a bit to go. Sister Ives is slowly starting to talk more and more, and I can tell that she is growing as a missionary because of it. Her testimony is so strong, and I can tell it touches the people that she shares it with. 

 The interesting thing about walking around in this bad weather has been that many people feel "bad" for us. They wonder what we are doing out in this weather. So we are able to get in a lot of doors and state our purpose clearly. Many haven't gone anywhere but it's been great being able to talk to a lot of people. 

 This week during studies I have been focusing on reading from the General Conference Ensign issue. It's been a great learning experience going back through all the talks. I especially like Elder Dube's talk about Looking up and pressing forward in Faith. It helped me realize that I just need to keep my faith up. Knowing that the future always contains something better and more for us. 

 I hope y'all were able to enjoy the First Presidency's Devotional last night. I was reminded through it that Christmas should be a REMINDER to keep our lives focused on Christ. It should be the season that we re-commit ourselves to be disciples of Christ. May we give Christ the ultimate gift this season. By giving him OUR WILL and complete devotion. I know that as each and everyone of us do this. We will be blessed tremendously. 


 Sister Whitney Jo Williams

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Hi y'all!!
I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving, and enjoyed the company of family and friends. I had a great Thanksgiving, and am truly grateful that I have this opportunity to bring many of my brother and sisters the truth.
The area here is really coming along. We are finding a lot of people. But even greater news than that is that the Members are on FIRE. They are all about missionary work, and are sincerely praying to find people for us to teach. Yesterday we Spiritual Harvested into two homes that belong to the same family. The son and his wife are in one home, and his parents are directly across the street. We had a great lesson with the father; Dennis Bounds, and found out that his wife has read a little about the Book of Mormon. He told us that he hadn't so we offered him the Book of Mormon. At first he didn't want to take it because he said that he can't read very well. Well, by the end of our discussion he had the Book of Mormon in his hand, and was excited to read Alma 17. He said that he would read it when he had a break at work.

While on exchanges, Sister Hogan and Sister Ives found a woman named Kathy and her 8 year old Ashley. We went over on Saturday and had a great first lesson with them. We invited them both to be Baptized on December 21, and both said Yes. Ashley is really excited to be baptized and to read the Book of Mormon. We invited them to church but unfortunately neither of them came. Kathy had to work, and the ride situation got mixed up for Ashley. I can't wait to go back, and see how their Book of Mormon reading went.

Sister Ives is doing really great. She is opening her mouth now, and is really finding joy in the work. We are going 50/50- I will do one door, and she will do the next. There have been awkward moments at doors when she has looked at me to say something. But I have stood firm, and haven't spoken. It's interesting because since I haven't been "backing her up" she is becoming more confident in door approaches. She realizes that she can DO IT! It's amazing to see the wonderful change in her. She is becoming a Fabulous missionary, and her smile and personality really touches those we talk to. They really want to hear our message because of the excitement and energy we have been able to portray just through smiling.

Yesterday we had an interesting experience with a man named Jim Atkins. He offered him a Spiritual Harvesting prayer, and although we didn't end up doing it we had a great discussion with him. He asked for our purpose, and we stated it. He then asked if we left any media. So we left him with a Book of Mormon and Restoration pamphlet. I was able to share how likening the scriptures to myself has changed my life. Which got him excited to read The Book of Mormon. I can't wait to go back, and see how his reading went.

During studies I have been focusing on aligning my will with God's. I am really trying to make sure I am fulfilling my purpose because it's God's will, and it's what he needs me to do to help his children. In Mosiah 5 it talks about a change of heart. That those who are truly Repentant, and come unto Christ change their desires. As a result of that they become more like God. My goal this week is to continue to move forward in aligning my will with God's. To pray for guidance, and to lay down "my weapons of rebellion". To go about this work with God's mindset not my own.

May we all draw nearer to God by seeking him honestly through Prayer. As we align our will with God's we will win, and we will become the creature that God knows we can be. May we bring many to the truth by proclaiming the gospel to all those around us. May we simply "Open Our Mouths!"
Sister Whitney Jo Williams