Monday, June 30, 2014

Hey y'all,
I hope everyone has had a great week. Things are starting to pick up in this area which I am very grateful for.
So like I said, the area here in Senatobia is picking up. We had an investigator; Shirley and her daughter come to church yesterday. So that was really exciting! Shirley even said the prayer, and made many comments during Gospel Principles class. Her daughter was fellowshipped by the Young Women, and really enjoyed herself. I am grateful that the ward really took them in yesterday. Things with Justine are really coming along as well. We went over on Saturday, and she along with her sister questioned us about the Plan of Salvation. We had left Justine with the Plan of Salvation pamphlet last time. Which she and her sister ended up reading together. They underlined the concepts that they had questions about. We are going back tomorrow to follow up on their Book of Mormon reading. Also, to explain the concepts of the Plan of Salvation that we didn't get to last time.

Sister Tu'ifua and I are doing great. We are working well together, and are consistently trying to come up with new ways of finding new investigators.

The way that we met Shirley this week was incredible. As we were headed back from Hernando I felt prompted to stop in on some potential investigators. They answered, and said that they weren't really interested since they already have a church. But as we had driven past their house I saw some people outside. So we walked down the street to see who we could talk to. That was when Shirley waved us down. She mentioned that she had met with sisters before, came to church before for an activity, and had lost contact with the missionaries. She mentioned that she had been praying to come back into contact with the church. She even mentioned that she really wanted to come to church. So we found her a ride, and are going back to teach her tomorrow afternoon.

This week I learned the importance of prayer and fasting. Specifically the power that can come from combining the two. We did a special fast this week to be able to know how we can work better with the ward. Along with fasting for a part-member family, and the ability to find new investigators. The lord truly helped us out on all fronts. We found out that this part-member family had been getting along better than ever before. We also were given inspiration to start using Family History to start finding people. Lastly, God put many people in our path this week to start teaching.

This week I have really learned the importance of doing Family History. My prayer is that all of us focus not only on doing missionary work for the living. But for the dead as well. They can't make it without us, and we need their help as well. I know that with the spirit of Elijah the Lord will continue to hasten his work on all fronts.
Love y'all!
Sister W. Williams

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